Tuesday, April 19, 2011

How Can I Be Involved?

In order to make the garden a reality, we will need as much help as we can get. Our hope is to do this entirely on donated goods and services as well as rescuing and recycling materials offered free through Craigslist and Freecycle or from our neighborhood. Below is a list of ways that you can help us make this dream a reality.

Take Action
·                     Join us in becoming a gardener (no experience needed) or teaching new gardeners     
·                     Help us build the garden (work dates to be announced)
·                     Visit us when you see us working and follow us here on the blog

·                     Newspaper and Cardboard (non-glossy newsprint only, please)
·                     Bricks, rocks, or untreated lumber (heat treated is okay, just not chemically treated)
·                     Wood chips, compost, soil
·                     Tomato cages, twine, wooden or bamboo stakes
·                     Seeds, flower or vegetable starts

·                     Shovels
·                     Gloves
·                     Wheelbarrows
·                     Buckets
·                     A Helping Hand!

Spread the Word
·                     Talk to neighbors about the garden
·                     Ask around and see if you know anyone who can help us get the materials we need for FREE
·                     Give us your ideas for the garden!

To contact a gardener about being involved you can email us at GrowCharlestown @ gmail.com (without the spaces).

1 comment:

  1. Please visit the Grow Charlestown wiki to help coordinate projects.
